(from the age of 6)​

€ 15.00/lesson

Civic association Lezecká akadémia (Climbing Academy) organises courses for children from the age of 6 daily starting at 3 pm (see current schedule).  Everybody has the opportunity to select the desired number of trainings per week and the relevant days. During school and state holidays trainings do not take place.

The year is divided into two semesters. Within a semester, the training days may be changed.

Within the trainings, we would like to focus on three climbing disciplines: bouldering, difficulty and speed. Children train in groups of piers under the supervision of a trainer, whereby, the training is adjusted to their age and performance level. With smaller children, we prefer training in the form of games. The more experienced ones are engaged in exercises, power training and various climbing courses.

Except for trainings, Lezecká akadémia organises annual summer camps for children. Throughout the year, there are various weekend climbing camps organised in gyms and on rock to support performance and team spirit.

For question, please contact andrea.cepcova@gmail.com or call Andrea at 0917 978 476. She will gladly provide any closer information. www.lezecka-akademia.sk  


Trenčianska 47
821 09 Bratislava

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