(from the age of 6)

€ 13.00/training

Trainings led by experienced trainer Eva Kováčová. 

Regular trainings for children aged 6-16 focusing around climbing, nature and personal development. 

We are a climbing club with many years of experience in work with children and youths. We training in indoor climbing gyms and outside, applying individual approach depending on the level of physical fitness and talent. During the year, we train within regular trainings, organise climbing trips, participate in competitions, … 

The climbing club was founded in 2005 and is managed by its founder Eva Schöneckerová Kováčová. Eva has extensive climbing, trainer, methodology and referee experience. She is an instructor of Iyengar yoga, which she translates into stretching exercises for children.  She is assisted by experienced and qualified trainers to provide the best possible approach.

Climbing improves not only coordination, power, endurance, movement, but also chalanges children in overcomming obstacles and own limits.

Trainings are held regularly on Tuesdays and Thursdays

from  16:30 to 18:00

in Climbing Centre Verigo.                                           

James Junior Team is an independent organisation offering trainings for children and youth. Any communication, applications, payments, … go directly to James Junior Team. Should you be interested in their offer, complete the form below, or write directly to  lezenie.jjteam@gmail.com. You can also cal Eve Schöneckerová Kováčová directly – 0905 657212.

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    Trenčianska 47
    821 09 Bratislava

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