1. General 

Operating Rules are especially intended as a prevention of accidents, observance of hygiene rules and order. It is visibly positioned at several points within the climbing centre. It also is available at the reception.  Every climbing centre visitor is obliged to read them carefully at the time of their first visit. Every climbing centre user acknowledges the Operating Rules and is obliged to abide by them. Violation of Operating Rules may result in banishment of the relevant visitor by the centre staff, whereby, there is no entitlement to entry fee refund.  In case of repeated Operating Rules violations, the violator may be denied climbing centre entry on a permanent basis. In such case, season tickets and 10-entry tickets will be taken away from their owners without any entitlement to a refund of the amount paid.  

Further, Operating Rules are also binding for non-climbing visitors (belayers, children, accompanying person,…).

In the climbing centre, climbing is only possible for persons who registered at the reception and paid the relevant entry fee. This also applies to children accompanying adults, and vice versa, for adults accompanying children.

2. Safety

2.1       Safety Standards

It has to be realised that climbing gym accidents especially result from incorrect rope  handling and lack of attention. Insufficient rope handling and climbing technique knowledge, or the use of unsuitable gear may result in fatal injuries.

Information stated in the Operating Rules may not replace proper training and practice. Completion of appropriate training in safe climbing and belaying techniques is your own responsibility.


The following rules are applied in the climbing centre:

2.2      You use the climbing centre at your own risk!

Every visitor acknowledges that climbing in a climbing gym is coupled with risks, which the operator – under the observation of all rules presented in the Operating Rules – cannot fully eliminate.  During prime times, mutual consideration is crucial. Use of the climbing gym calls for full concentration during climbing and belaying.

2.3       Untrained persons may not use the climbing centre facilities!

Only individuals relevantly trained and experienced in the field of climbing, rope handling and belaying techniques may climb independently in the climbing centre.

The climbing centre offers belaying and climbing technique courses. Information can be obtained directly from the centre staff. Registration for courses is voluntary. Centre staff is not obliged to verify climbing capabilities of all visitors.

Should the centre staff consider a visitor, who did not pass a centre organised course, inapt for independent climbing within the premises of the climbing gym, they may ask such individual to refrain from belaying, recommend participation in the relevant course and prohibit him/her to belay until the completion of such course. Should the visitor refuse such possibility, they may ban the visitor from the centre until the obtaining of the relevant skills can be proven.

2.4       Any modifications to the wall are prohibited, such as repositioning of holds or placement of belay points.   

2.5     Only gear designed for this sport may be used for climbing (marked CE).

2.6     The climber and belayer have to perform a mutual check before every route.

Are the harnesses buckled properly? Did the climber tie a good knot? Did the belayer apply the belay device properly? Are the karabiners closed properly? Etc. Experiences tell us that beginners mostly are very focused at what they do, but their priorities are incorrect. With experienced climbers, routine mistakes more likely to  happen. With automatic belay devices (Gri-Gri, Tre, etc.) it is necessary to be very careful: prior to climbing, use a short pull on the rope to check if the rope is applied correctly and the belay device blocks the rope in case of a fall. Further, clarify, if the belayer is familiar with the belay device and is experienced in its use.

2.7     Minimum rope length represents 35 metres.

Having a short rope may cause problems whem lowering a climber.

2.8     Belayer has to stand at the route start (1 – max. 2.5 m).

The climber is belayed from the moment he/she clips the first quickdraw. In case of bigger distances from the wall, the fall is extended, which may result in an accident, especially with the first couple of quickdraws.

2.9     Sitting whilst belaying is prohibited.

2.10   Lead climber has to clip all quickdraws.

Should the climber fail to clip the last quickdraw in a route, the rope has to be pulled down immediately after lowering. Should the whole route be climbed, the last belay point has to be clipped.

2.11    Use only quickdraws in one line.

Prior to getting on a route, check the line of quickdraws belonging to your route. Clipping of quickdraws from neighbouring lines unnecessarily blocks neighbouring lines.

2.12   Only one rope may be clipped in one quickdraw/karabiner.

If several ropes are clipped into one quickdraw, friction may damage the ropes, which may lead to fatal accidents in extreme case.

2.13   The use of own quickdraws is prohibited.

Do not use bolts without quickdraws. When using bolts for holding onto, you may lose the entire finger in case of a fall. 

2.14    The belayer may not follow a lead climber until the later did not return to the route start.

It is prohibited to make stands in the wall.

2.15   Fast lowering is prohibited.

The belayer is responsible for the safety of the climber and third persons that could be threatened through incorrect lowering.

2.16    The rope has to be pulled down along the wall, through the quickdraws clipped by the lead climber.

Whoever pulls down the rope, takes on responsibility for the safety of third persons present around the line. 

2.17    Should a climber be in a route (regardless of how the route is climbed – lead or top-rope), nobody else may get on such a route.

Violation of this rule may result in an injury for the second climber in case of a fall of the climber above.

2.18    Abseiling is only allowed as part of climbing courses and this only in the designated places. 

2.19    Soloing is prohibited.

(climbing without rope with feet in a height exceeding 1.5 m). It not only threatens the soloing climber, but also other centre visitors. Further, it also represents a bad example.  

2.20    All users acknowledge that handholds and footholds twist or brake, in extreme case.

The users assume any liability for injuries resulting from item.

2.21    When rope climbing, we recommend the use of a climbing helmet.

2.22    During your stay in the climbing centre, avoid the drop zone.  

Drop zone represents the entire projection of overhanging profiles and the area 2 m from the start of vertical and slightly overhanging profiles.

2.23    During climbing, belaying or other rope handling, it is prohibited to use mobile phones or earphones,talk or otherwise distract oneself.

The belayer has to fully concentrate on belaying.  

2.24      Prior to climbing, study the “Check and Climb” cartoon presenting safety principles for gym climbing and belaying.

2.25      Prior to climbing, consider your health condition. Ill individuals are much more prone to accidents.  

2.26      Do not sit on the gallery railing. It serves as protection, not a chair.

2.27      Do not place any objects onto the gallery railing (bottles, belay devices, …). Their fall could injure climbers at the bouldering wall.

3. Top-rope Rules

3.1       In general, top-roping is only possibly on the top-ropes established by the centre staff.
On these ropes, knots and karabiners cannot be untied or opened. Any damage to the ropes should be notified to the centre staff.

Outside the prime times, top roping is also possible on other routes under the consideration of the following rules:ň

3.2       Due to possible pendulum, the rope has to be clipped into all quickdraws leading to the last two karabiners of the route. 

Minimum 2 quickdraws/karabiners have to clipped in the route at all times.

3.3       The belayer has to keep a tight rope.
Top roping climbers have to take regard for others when falling. 

3.4       The use of half-mast knot is prohibited.
When top roping on the ropes provided by the centre, it is prohibited to belay using the half-mast rope. The reason is excess rope wear.

3.5       The sand bags are only to be used for top roping.

Should you not understand the accurate use of the sand bags, do not hesitate to ask at the reception.

4. Bouldering Wall

4.1       Mat entry and climbing are only permitted in climbing shoes.  Entry is prohibited in shoes, trainers and descent climbing shoes (with reinforced heel). Climbing barefoot is prohibited.

4.2       Glass, drinks in open containers, food or sharp objects are prohibited on the mat.

4.3       Do not leave any objects on the mats, e.g. bottles, brushes, climbing shoes, harnesses… There is a risk of injury in case of a fall.

4.4       Do not boulder in harnesses. In case of a fall, there is a risk of spotter and climber injury.

4.5       Whilst staying within the bouldering wall, avoid the drop zone below boulderers.    

4.6       Prior to bouldering, study the drawing showing safe bouldering and spotting principles.

4.7       Do not climb up to the gallery.  The last hold of a boulder is maximum held profile edge.

4.8       When climbing, put your chalkbag with loose chalk to the wall (otherwise, the chalk will produce a dust cloud in case of a fall). If you wish to climb with a chalkbag, use chalkballs.

4.9       Prior to climbing, consider your health condition. Ill individuals are much more prone to accidents.  

4.10      Boulderers take priority over climbers training endurance. Endurance should be trained on the big wall.  

4.11      Jumping off the top of the boulder is prohibited.  Use descent holds or hang on the edge of the boulder and jump down from this position.

4.12      The mat is not intended for acrobatics and running.

5. Children

5.1       In the climbing centre, children and youths under the age of 18 may only climb accompanied by an adult person.

Climbing in the climbing centre is only possible with full time accompaniment of an adult person or within organised group trainings. Persons aged 15-18 may visit the centre without an adult person, provided they hand in a signed consent of child’s legal representative

5.2       Running around and playing of children is prohibited in the climbing gym premises.

Climbing centre Vertigo is a sports facility with common injury risks and not a playground.

5.3       The presence of children in the drop zone is especially dangerous and therefore prohibited.  The drop zone is an area of 2 metres from the vertical profiles and the entire projection of overhanging profiles. The entire bouldering wall is considered a drop zone.  

5.4       The bouldering wall/mats may not be entered in shoes (including trainers). If you wish to climb with your children at the bouldering wall, get them climbing shoes or slippers.

5.5       The mat is not intended for acrobatics and running around of children. It is a drop zone, which makes it a potentially dangerous place. A climber falling on a child could result in a fatal injury of the child. However, realise that the parent is responsible in such event.

5.6       We ask you to abide by these principal rules. Otherwise, we will be forced to ask you to leave the centre.

6. Groups

6.1       Group leader, as the most experienced climber, is responsible for the group members. 

6.2       Reservation or closing of profiles or sectors by visitors is prohibited.

6.3       Centre staff may ask a group leader to present proof of qualification for the given activity.

7. Courses

7.1       Course participants are obliged to follow all instructions of the course leader.

Course program can be obtained from the centre staff providing all necessary information.

7.2       Courses may only be led by appropriately trained persons.

Within the premises of Climbing Centre Vertigo, belay courses, or other climbing technique training may only be implemented by appropriately trained individuals who obtained the approval of centre staff. They have to prove their qualification by a valid licence.

8. Experienced climbers

8.1       Help us avoid injuries!
Despite the centre staff monitoring the climbers, they cannot be everywhere. Thanks to your experiences, you can help us in early recognition of problems and injury prevention.  You may advice risky individuals yourselves or immediately inform centre staff. In case of such assistance, only provide true/verified information.

9. Gear

9.1        Every visitor is responsible for the good state of own gear 
The used gear (ropes, karabiners, belay devices, etc.) have to meet the requirements of present times (CE, UIAA certificates, etc.).

9.2       Should the centre staff identify deficiencies in the visitor gear, they may point this out and ask for immediate replacement of the given gear part.  

9.3       When identifying shortages on the wall itself (bolts, quickdraws, loose holds, karabiners, etc.), climbers are obliged to immediately inform gym staff.

10. Staff Competencies

10.1      When entering the climbing centre, you are obliged to present the centre staff a season ticket, or pay the entry fee.  To use the student discount, you have to present a valid student card.

10.2      Staff instructions have to observed at all times.

10.3      Centre staff is not obliged, or able to constantly check correct belaying technique of centre users.   

10.4      In case of theft or vandalism (holds, sports gear, valuables, etc.), centre staff is obliged to immediately report the relevant individuals to police officers. 

11. Opening Hours

11.1      The climbing centre is open to visitors according to the currently valid opening hours.
There may be cases, when it will be necessary to close a part of or the entire gym (route setting, inspections, competitions, events, etc.). Such special occasions will be announced in advance. The closing of sectors for courses, training etc. may take place without prior notification.

12. Season Tickets – Rules

12.1      The owners of season tickets (10/5 entries, 12/6/3 months) are not entitled to any money refund in case of centre closures or limited gym operation.

12.2      The 10/5 entry tickets are not transferable and are valid for one year from their issue. 12/6/3 months season tickets are not transferable and are valid for 12/6/3 months from the day of their issue.  

13. Order and Cleanliness

13.1      Bare foot climbing and belaying is prohibited.

For hygiene and safety reasons, it is necessary to use a kind of slippers. 
To protect the wall structure, climbing in treking boots and bare foot is prohibited. For rope climbing, only climbing shoes and clean trainers are permitted.  For bouldering, only climbing shoes are permitted. Climbing in shoes, trainers or outdoor climbing shoes intended for approach and descent and having specially reinforced heel, is prohibited within the bouldering wall.

13.2   Wear a T-shirt when bouldering or using autobelays.

For hygiene reasons, wear a T-shirt at all times when bouldering our using an autobelay device.

13.3 The climbing centre is a no-smoking zone.

13.4   Handling open fire is strictly prohibited.

Using special equipment, the ropes may only be cut by climbing centre staff.

13.5   Persons under the influence of drugs, alcohol or narcotics may not enter the climbing centre. 

13.6    Keep the climbing gym, toilets, showers and the centre surroundings clean.

You are using the gym with many other visitors. Be considerate and do not leave rubbish behind.  There are bins available throughout the gym, including special containers for PET bottles. Empty bottles belong into the bin! First compress them, then throw them away.

13.7   Do not unnecessarily stay within the entry hall only serving as a transition zone.

Do not make unnecessary noise in the entry hall.

14. Liability

The climbing centre refrains from any liability for damages resulting to individuals as a result of the Operating Rules violation, incorrect belaying technique, climbing or rope handling, low quality gear, lack of attention, disrespect for other climbers, etc., as well as damages to belongings, including belongings stored outside the relevant places (valuables may be stored with the centre staff).

Anybody causing damage or injury to others is liable with respect to any consequences. Venga s.r.o., as operator of Climbing Centre Vertigo, does not assume any liability in this respect.


In case of doubts, the Slovak version of the Operating Rules prevails over the English version.


We wish you safe climbing


Trenčianska 47
821 09 Bratislava

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